Hi, my name is David Hornbuckle and I am a Kotsuban Yumeiho® Therapist with a 3rd Dan qualification, along with a diploma in personal training. I have a vast amount of knowledge & experience with back pain & know first hand how excruciating this pain can be!

This is what makes me unique and separates me from other therapists as I too have suffered with back pain and understand the debilitating effects this can have on yourself and your lifestyle. Yumeiho® is the only therapy which successfully, quite literally, got me Back to Normal and pain-free.

Having now learned the Japanese way of Yumeiho® therapy myself, I am ready to help you too become pain free. I am a Mobile practitioner, so can come to your home, allowing you to relax & rest after your treatment.

If you are suffering, please do not hesitate to call me, together we can get your healing system back online & you pain-free.